Best Tree Service in NJ - Lumbarjacks
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The Benefits of New Jersey Winter Tree Care

New Jersey homeowners deal with unpredictable and harsh winters every year.

Winter pruning helps rejuvenate your lawn’s trees come spring. By removing any dead or contaminated wood you’re establishing a strong foundation for next year’s foliage. 

Overall structure and stray limbs both benefit from winter pruning. Weak branches snap under snow in frigid temperatures. Upkeep can save you time down the road, but also keep any cars or equipment stored outdoors safe from falling tree debris.

Winter tree pruning is for performance and aesthetic.

While there are plenty of logical reasons to have winter pruning done to your lawn, attractiveness is important as well. Getting rid of overgrown tangles of branches and vines makes a huge difference when looking at the rest of your land.

Pruning your trees before winter storms can save you from storm damage.

Pruning your trees in the winter makes for an all-around smoother experience, setting yourself up for success next season.

Let Lumberjacks Tree Services give your lawn the care it needs this winter for a guaranteed healthy spring lawn.

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